EUAM promotes cooperative approach to making roads safer in Lviv
November 28, 2018
At a workshop in Lviv on 20 November, the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) brought together representatives of the Lviv Regional State Administration and law enforcement officials to discuss a community based approach to tackling road safety. To integrate community input, the workshop included feedback from a meeting with local students at the EUAM premises in Lviv on 15 November.
This workshop is the third in a series of workshops organised by EUAM with local stakeholders to try and encourage more active engagement of society in solving common problems. The previous workshops discussed how to achieve a comprehensive problem solving approach, analysed the latest statistics and offered practical solutions to real life traffic issues.
“For law enforcement to be successful, it needs to operate on the principle of cooperation with the community,” said Hildegard Buitink, senior advisor on general policing. ”Law enforcement agencies need to respond to the concerns of citizens and demonstrate that they are listening to them. Road traffic safety is one of the biggest safety issues in Ukraine with over 3,000 people dying on the roads annually. EUAM is happy to be working with diverse stakeholders in Lviv to address this problem.”
EUAM has supported the development of community policing concept and annual safety plans in Lviv region, and continues to organise trainings in this area. The Mission has supported the creation of a Coordination Security Board, which brings together local law enforcement bodies to strengthen cooperation between the community and law enforcement agencies.