IAG Statement on SSU draft law
June 07, 2021
The International Advisory Group – bringing together the EU, NATO, and US – welcomes the draft law on the Security Service of Ukraine that was presented on 3 June.
If adopted and thoroughly implemented, the draft law will provide a solid basis for meaningful and substantial reform of the Service in line with European and Euro-Atlantic principles and best practices.
Importantly, the draft law foresees the complete phasing out of pre-trial investigative powers, significant downsizing and demilitarisation of the Service, elimination of involvement in economic investigations, and the strengthening of oversight mechanisms.
We commend the President for his strong support for this crucial reform.
Undertaken comprehensively, this reform will make the SSU more efficient, effective, and accountable, as well as more capable of countering threats to Ukraine’s security.
The IAG calls on the Rada to adopt this draft law without delay. This would represent a significant step for Ukraine towards NATO and EU principles.