EUAM ensures police is a step ahead of criminals with Intelligence-led policing training

October 18, 2021

The EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) launched a series of training on criminal analysis with the Intelligence-led Policing  (ILP) aspects last week. The participants of the 3-week course are 25 police officers from the Criminal Analysis Department and its regional offices, as well as for analysts of the National Police of Ukraine  and  teachers from the National Academy of Internal Affairs.  During the training, they will learn more about operational analysis, strategic and tactical analysis, analytical software and tools for criminal analysis, open-source analysis (OSINT) and risk assessment. Three top-level experts from Romanian Police are delivering the training. 


ILP is the cornerstone of modern-day policing. It shifts the focus from reactive to proactive and preventative, ensuring that crime fighters are “one step ahead” of criminals. Information comes to the police in various forms, but it must be collated, analysed and disseminated. The analysis and interpretation of this information allow the police to target resources where those resources are needed most. This is otherwise known as ‘risk analysis’, and this is also central to intelligence-led policing.

Intelligence-led policing allows to see the bigger picture by identifying trends and patterns, linking crimes, objects, persons, attributes, locations, and through criminal analysis. To sum up, intelligence-led policing gives police a strategic overview of crime in their jurisdiction so that they can  better allocate resources to the most pressing crime priorities and ensure that people are protected by an effective police force. Intelligence-led policing does not replace other methods of criminal investigation; it enhances them.

The training is organised within the Support for Rule of Law Reforms in Ukraine in the areas of Police, Public Prosecution and Good Governance (PRAVO Police) programme is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in coordination with the EU Advisory Mission