Strategic Communication Workshop with Ukrainian Rule of Law Agencies in Luxembourg
July 13, 2015
On 7-8 July 2015 a strategic communication workshop was organized by the Luxembourg Government with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission Ukraine.
Representatives of the communication departments from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Border Guard Service, Supreme Court, State Judicial Administration and General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine took part in the workshop.
The seminar was opened by Mr. Andre Biever, a diplomat from the Luxembourg Permanent Representation to the EU. He outlined the organization of the European Common Security and Defense Policy including Luxembourg’s engagement.
Luxembourg is currently holding the EU Council Presidency for the second semester of the running year.

The Ukrainian guests attended presentations on the Luxembourg Police organization and its internal and external communication strategy, followed by a visit of the Police Operations Centre and the Press and Public Information Service including the TV production studio.
Further, the Ukrainian communication specialists got acquainted with the set-up of Judiciary and Prosecution in Luxembourg including joint communication on special cases between police, prosecution and courts. They also shortly visited a trial chamber in the court complex.

The second day was dedicated to the development of a communication strategy and policy matrix defining image elements , target audiences, communication channels, tools and techniques, ways of handling media and social media, organization of internal communication and development of crisis communication.
Participants found workshop very efficient and helpful and expressed their gratitude to the Government of Luxembourg for its strong support for reform process in Ukraine.