Europol and FBI address international seminar on growing scourge of cyber crime
April 21, 2017
Together with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, EUAM yesterday carried out an international seminar on ‘Current problems in fighting cyber crime’. The seminar, attended by EUAM partners from the National Police, State Fiscal Service, National Anti-Corruption Bureau, and forensic experts, took place at the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.
Cyber crime relates to crime that is carried out using computer networks of various types, and its prevalence has grown rapidly thanks to the expansion of mobile technology and the internet. The most common examples of cyber crime are internet fraud (such as banking theft), sexual abuse or harassment (when pedophiles groom targets online), identity theft, or malware (unauthorized access to a person’s personal computer). As an indication of the size of the problem, global losses to cyber crime have been estimated in the trillions of dollars.
EUAM will soon hire a cyber-security expert, so that the Mission can further advise its Ukrainian counterparts on how to strengthen existing cyber-crime fighting techniques. The Mission invited cyber-crime experts from Europol and the FBI (USA) to present cyber-crime trends and investigation techniques at yesterday’s seminar.

EUAM Deputy Head of Mission, Joelle Vachter
“At this stage, everybody knows that the scale of cyber crime in Ukraine and the rest of the world is huge,” said EUAM Deputy Head of Mission, Joelle Vachter, who spoke at yesterday’s seminar opening. “The phenomenon transcends borders, it is a growing problem and difficult for law-enforcement agencies to detect and prevent. Investigators need to stay one step ahead of criminals.”