EUAM visits Zaporozhia — “Trust is a pledge for fruitful cooperation”
June 19, 2015Zaporozhia, June 2015. A European Union Advisory Mission to Ukraine (EUAM) delegation, headed by Mihai Barbutu, is visiting Zaporozhia for the first time to get acquainted with the local authorities and to obtain first-hand information on the security and good governance in the oblast. They met the Deputy Governor, Prosecutor’s office, the City Mayor and the Chief of Police.
After many fruitful exchanges , Mr. Barbutu from the EUAM thanked the local authorities for the warm welcome he and his colleagues received in Zaporozhia: “We are here to visit you because our mandate is not limited to central authorities in the capital but encompasses the entire Ukraine. We are here to get acquainted with the people of Zaporozhia and look forward for the trustful and fruitful relationships. Our cooperation simply would not be possible without it. We are open for your ideas and suggestions with regard to our future cooperation,” Barbutu stated at the end of the meeting with the Deputy Governor of Zaporozhia region, Eduard Gugnind: “Be assured, that we listen carefully what kind of expectations and wishes the authorities in Zaporozhia have with regard to the reforms in your oblast. The essential requirement for the successful reform is trust among all those who are engaged and committed to manage the process. Trust is a pledge for our fruitful cooperation.”
The Deputy Governor, Eduard Gugnin, thanked EUAM for the support in the Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine: ”The Zaporozhia Regional State Administration is grateful to the EUAM for the visit. We share a common aspiration for change and support the civilian security sector reform in Ukraine, in particular, in Zaporozhia region. This is a necessary step to improve law enforcement, the judiciary and prosecutors. The Regional State Administration is ready to contribute to the planning and implementation of these reforms in order to strengthen public confidence in Zaporozhia region and in full compliance with human rights. Also, we would like to emphasize that the Regional Administration is grateful to EUAM’s support in this area and hopes for a fruitful cooperation in modernization of the public administration, the fight against corruption and the protection of the interests of the Zaporozhie region community.”
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