EUAM Head Visit To State Border Guards At Boryspil Airport: “Ukrainian State Border Guards definitely contribute to the reform process in Ukraine” (Kálmán Mizsei)
August 30, 2015
EUAM’s Head of Mission was impressed by the border control innovations that the Ukrainian State Border Guards have introduced not only at Kyiv’s biggest airport, but at meanwhile almost one hundred control points all over the country.
Since 15 August the access to the Interpol data base is established for some of them – their number will staedily grow in the next weeks.

The Deputy Head of Border Guards, Vasyl Servatiuk, gave a particular attention to the second control line introducing the fingerprint recording technology. By the end of September this year 68 Border Control Points will be able to fall back on this control method, which is one of the requirements that need to be implemented in view of the visa liberalisation process.
Kálmán Mizsei praised the Ukrainian State Border Guard for their contribution to the visa liberalisation process: “Two days ago Commission President Juncker acknowledged the progress of the adopted measures in general. He gave an encouraging message underlining that the perspective is good assuming that the remaining requirements would be met soon”.
State Border Guards have firmly announced their plan to strive towards an EU like law enforcement agency, without however neglecting their specific tasks in connection with the conflict, inter alia, on the south-east border of the country.

New uniforms and initiatives such as the Border Guards Information centre, having already gathered 25.000 reactions from the public to a submitted quality assessment questionnaire, are also clear indicators of change.
The agency has now started a number of pilot projects with the purpose of gaining the population’s trust.

The Head of the European Advisory Mission to Ukraine fully supported the approach giving particular attention to new selection processes, training, foreign language capabilities, higher salaries with a stimulating career development and a strict anti-corruption policy.
The public can already experience the first changes now – the next time you travel through Boryspil you can use one of the two brand new border control fast lanes saving your time and seriously hampering corruption attempts.
See more pictures in EUAM`s Flickr