EUAM gives Ukrainian Security Service investigators training in tracing laundered money, recovering stolen assets and cooperating internationally

March 30, 2016

Over a hundred investigators and intelligence operatives of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) have now completed a training course on economic crime organised by the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM). The last of six programmes on money laundering, asset recovery and international cooperation which began in October 2015 concluded on 24 March 2016. 

The training focuses on concepts of how money is laundered and converted into other assets and how investigators can follow the money trail. The course also covers investigative strategies and evidence collection by using international letters of request via the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty route and setting up Joint Investigation Teams.

The trainers of the March course, Dave Aldous and Ian Sales, are both detectives from the City of London Police, the affiliated structure of the Economic Crime Academy which has deployed trainers for SSU personnel throughout past six months. The courses aim to assist the agency to assimilate modern investigative practices, to improve its capability and become more efficient.

“The training provided on this course is an excellent example of EUAM’s ability to meet the needs of our counterparts”, said Andrew Mellor, EUAM Domestic Security Strategic Adviser. “The SSU specifically requested this training which was designed for them and delivered over the past months.  I am looking forward to the feedback of SSU investigators in the future about how their training has been applied in practice”.