EUAM assists Estonia and Ukraine to deepen cooperation in strategic communications
February 06, 2017

(on the left) Oleg Slobodyan, spokesperson, assistant of Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine, (on the right) Tiit Matsulevits, EUAM Strategic Communications Adviser
A week-long study visit to Estonia for heads of communications and press departments in the State Fiscal Service and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine organised by the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) and the Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP) took place between 30 January and 3 February 2017.
The aim of the training was to share best practices in how to communicate effectively on a regular basis with the public and key partners as well as respond to crisis situations. Workshops took place at the Estonian Tax and Customs Board, Police and Border Guard Board and Government Communication Unit of the State Chancellery of Estonia.
The delegation also visited the e-Estonia Showroom and the Estonian Cabinet of Ministers for presentations on Estonia’s advances in the digital provision of government services. At the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, the group were given a demonstration in the Academy’s innovative simulation centre, which simulates emergency situations and provides opportunities to train managers in how to respond to them.
“During a crisis situation, effective communication is one of the main elements that will determine whether an operation is successful or not. More than that, regular communication with the public is essential for any state institution in a democratic society. Estonia is one of Europe’s leaders in strategic communications, especially in the digital sphere, and we hope that this trip will lead to a sustainable partnership between Estonia and Ukraine in developing communications strategies,” said Tiit Matsulevits, EUAM Strategic Communications Adviser.
The visit was a first step in identifying future areas for cooperation in communication between Estonia and Ukraine in cooperation with EUAM.
Ukrainian delegation and representatives of the Police Department and Border guard service of Estonia