EUAM and SBI agree cooperation to push forward with SBI launch
May 24, 2018
A cooperation agreement was signed yesterday by the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) and the State Bureau of Investigations of Ukraine (SBI) that will pave the way to close cooperation in the selection of new staff for the SBI. Once fully operational, the SBI is expected to be a key law enforcement institution, which investigates crimes committed by senior Ukrainian public officials including prosecutors and judges. EUAM’s support has been requested in order to push forward with the operational launch of this important new institution as soon as possible and ensure that the process is open and fair.
In order to start operations, the SBI will need to recruit a large number of staff in the coming months. 1646 applicants have been accepted for the selection process to the Headquarters in Kyiv, and more are expected to apply for the SBI’s regional offices. The first stage of the selection process to the Headquarters is scheduled for Friday 25 May, when 250 will undergo a professional test, observed by an internal selection commission and EUAM staff.
“It is crucial that the SBI starts its operations as soon as possible and EUAM is fully committed to assisting this process,” said the Head of EUAM Kęstutis Lančinskas. “More important than setting the SBI up quickly will be getting the right staff in a competitive process. We have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the SBI and we look forward to working closely with SBI Director Roman Truba and his team to support the selection of qualified staff at the SBI”.
EUAM has already cooperated with the SBI to set up two advisory bodies: the Public Control Council and the Academic-Advisory Council. Moreover, a EUAM staff member, Vadym Chovgan, has been appointed to the Academic-Advisory Council. The Mission provided advice on different organisational matters of the SBI, such as the qualifications and competences required for different posts within the SBI. It has scheduled a training programme in Human Resources Management for the internal selection commissions of the institution. This training is planned to take place in the coming months.