May 2020

EUAM news

EU and its partners provide protective equipment for the front line heroes engaged in fight against Covid-19

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EUAM launches a series of webinars on tackling cybercrime during Covid-19

British advocacy experts advise Ukraine judges and advocates to ‘make every word count’ in remote hearings

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Ukraine’s human rights strategy: pandemic ‘should not be used as a pretext to limit rule of law’

Domestic violence under quarantine: police trying to ‘help those who cannot report their cases’

“The police has not seen any rise in the reporting of domestic violence cases. So far, our main challenge is to ensure our personnel can work in safe conditions, to avoid contracting the virus.” 
In Ukraine and around the world, more and more data suggests that domestic abuse might be increasing with the COVID-19 quarantine. As the Deputy Head of the Domestic Violence and Fighting Office of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) Preventive Department, Yanina Pryiemska recently participated, among 65 other Ukrainian officials, in a European Union Advisory Mission online seminar to address this issue together with EU experts.

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Unity in Europe: how it all started

Europe Day is 9 May, but Ukraine celebrates it annually on every third Saturday in May. While the usual public events cannot take place this year, Europe Day remains a potent symbol of unity between Ukraine and the rest of Europe – a day of peace, shared values and shared history with all European nations.
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