August 2020

EUAM news

Kharkiv webinar : police guarantee of human rights ‘is a legal obligation’

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Police-civil society workshop in Odesa region produces new citizen advisory groups

DEJURE Foundation fights for ethics and integrity within the judiciary

“We strongly believe that democracy is not possible without justice – which can only be achieved, in Ukraine in particular, through structural reforms. Without achieving justice, it is impossible to have a good sustainable European democracy; which Ukraine tries to be.” 
In November 2016, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a new law on the judiciary and the status of judges, establishing a Public Integrity Council (PIC) to support the High Qualifications Commission of Judges (HQC) in determining the professional ethics and integrity of candidates for the judgeship. Member and originator of the Council, Mykhailo Zhernakov, is also the founder of the DEJURE Foundation, a civic organisation made up of experts and lawyers who work to promote the rule of law and reforms in the sphere of justice in Ukraine.

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Domestic violence through COVID-19

In many countries, including Ukraine, domestic violence is a major issue that can manifest in various forms: e.g. psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional. Though it remains usually underreported to the local authorities, official statistics from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine indicate that Ukraine has seen a clear increase in the number of cases reported over the first half of 2020.

As people are staying more at home under the COVID-19 quarantine measures, the domestic violence situation becomes more acute in the country. That is why EUAM Ukraine keeps on supporting counterparts like the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) and the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) with awareness-raising campaigns on gender-based violence and violence against children.

#TeamEurope: How EUAM has delivered on its mandate since the COVID-19 pandemic started

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the EU Advisory Mission has taken a number of measure since mid-March 2020 to adapt its activities and continue its operations in Kyiv and its field offices in Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa and Mariupol.

Gender responsive leadership at EUAM

Gender mainstreaming is growing in importance for EUAM’s Ukrainian counterparts, but it has been just as important to step up efforts to engrain this culture within the mission itself.
EUAM Ukraine
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